This page contains core exercises ideal for cyclists. You can download these exercises at the bottom of this page.


This can be done on your elbows or hands with arms straight.

Elbows/hands directly under shoulders.

Aim for a straight line from heels to shoulders.

Brace your core stomach muscles to protect your back.

Build up to be able to hold this plank for 2 minutes.

Side Plank

Keep hips stacked vertically.

Keep straight line through from feet, hips to shoulders.

Can be performed on hand and straight arm or elbow.

Use your other hand to stabilise yourself or progress to having the hand straight in the air and balance.

Progress this to lifting the top leg.

Build up to be able to hold this plank for 1 minute on each side


Start on hands and knees, hands directly under shoulders, knees directly under hips.

Raise one arm straight forward and the opposite leg straight.  Don’t lift the leg higher than the hip or arm higher than the shoulder.

Keep pelvis level and back straight.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps on each side, holding for 3s each

Donkey Kicks

Start on hands and knees, hands directly under shoulders, knees directly under hips.

Lift one leg backwards and bend the knee.  Kick your heel up the ceiling to work the glutes.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps on each side, holding for 3s each

Boat Pose

In a seated position, raise your legs and lean your body back.

Reach your hands out to feet and find the position where you can hold the balance.

Build up to holding this for 1 minute


Start on your back with arms out to sides.  Raise legs so they are vertically upwards.  Use your core muscles to slowly drop the legs to one side.

Keep both shoulders in contact with the floor.  If you feel the opposite shoulder raising of the floor then stop there.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps on each side, holding for 3s each

Back Extension

Lying on your front with your hands beside your head.

Use your back muscles to raise your shoulders, neck and head off the ground.  

Keep your neck straight and relaxed.

Keep your feet on the floor.

Progress this to raising your feet off the floor.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps, holding each for 3s


Lying on your front with your hands beside your sides, palms facing upwards.

Use your back muscles to raise your shoulders, neck and head off the ground and hands towards your feet.  

Keep your neck straight and relaxed.

Raise your feet off the ground.  

Keep your legs together and straight.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps, holding each for 3s


Feet hip width apart.

Keep knees straight ahead and directly above your feet, don’t allow knees to collapse inwards.

Push your bum back in the squat.

Maintain neutral spine.

Progress this by adding weight using a kettle bell.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps, holding each for 3s

Single Leg Squat

Keep knee straight ahead, don’t allow knee to collapse inwards.

Push bum back and keep back in neutral spine.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps, holding each for 3s

Russian Twist

n a seated position with your knees slightly bent.  Using a weighted ball, slowly twist your upper body to each side.  Take care to keep hips pointing forward.

Progress this by lifting feet off the floor and balancing on buttocks.

Complete 2 x 12-15 reps each side